Even higher ambitions. Gatema is transforming into a holding

Boskovice, 14th April 2020 – Gatema is changing it’s company structure from 1st May. It will become a holding. The transformation is expected to bring further economic growth and the ability to rise to even more ambitious challenges in the individual areas of the company’s business.

 “The company’s current form had begun to be too small for our needs. We want to be ready to take the next steps which will be both evolutionary and revolutionary – and at the same time to also better protect our assets, motivate our key managers and separate off any slightly inconsistent areas of business. We have ambitions and we need to create the right conditions to achieve them,“ said Stanislav Sýkora, the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Gatema a.s. will be wound up as of 30th April 2020. All of its assets and liabilities will pass to the new companies.

The employees will smoothly transition to the appropriate subsidiary under the same conditions as to date. There will be no change in the owners of Gatema or in the focus of the individual divisions (or new companies) or their internal structure. There will also be no change to the values which Gatema has long been built on, no matter whether this involves top-flight quality, speed, invention, honesty, a personal approach or team work. 

The changes in the divisions and the new acquisitions

The current divisions will become independent companies. The Printed Circuit Board Division will become the new Gatema PCB a.s. and the Information Systems Division will transform into Gatema IT a.s. The Apollon Division in Brno, which is involved in the development of audiovisual systems for healthcare, will become Gatema Medical s.r.o. The new structure will also include Gatema Real s.r.o., which will be in charge of operations; the offices, cars, machines or energy. The Gatemáček Association which operates the company’s kindergarten will also remain a separate entity. Moreover, Gatema will also be a shareholder in Zebra PCB which is based in Brno-Medlánky.

The holding will likewise include the German company Kubatronik-Leiterplatten GmbH, with whose acquisition Gatema surprised the market in January. Kubatronik has long been a specialist in the high-tech production of printed circuit boards. Thanks to this, the company, which was established in 1980, now sends 75% of its production to the aviation, military, healthcare technology and telecommunications sectors. The clients in its portfolio include, for example, Siemens, Rohde & Schwarz, Fraunhofer, Fujitsu or Leica. Gatema has acquired a 99% share in this company which has 42 employees and an annual turnover of around 100 million Czech crowns.

One month later, Gatema also announced the creation of HELIOS Partner, a company which it had established along with ALDOR and INFO NOVA. Its main goal is to acquire an even greater market share for the HELIOS Green ERP solution in the Enterprise segment. At the same time, Gatema has also been one of the largest partners of Asseco Solutions (which is behind the HELIOS ERP solutions) in the Czech market in recent years.

Our mission is still the same: to do good things excellently. And in doing so to fulfil the company motto “Know wow”, which means that we provide our customers with a very above-standard approach in addition to our top flight knowledge,” concluded Stanislav Sýkora.

More information about Gatema: https://www.gatema.cz/

Aetna, spol. s r.o.
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E-mail: hadra@aetna.cz

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Email: hadra@aetna.cz

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Provozovatel: Michal Šviga
E-mail: michal@sviga.cz