Thermal-Imaging brought to Hradec Kralove experts from across Europe

Hradec Kralove – Foreign experts became interested in a unique project- Infrared Thermography Pictures of the City- launched by Heat Management of Hradec Kralove six months ago. Uniqueness lay in taking thermograms by thermal imaging cameras of the heat pipe system, and buildings in the city. This project helped to analyse the heat economy and building isolation engineering. Hradec Kralove became a pioneer in this system and stirred well respect by experts on energy and was awarded the prestigious Project of the Year. "Colleagues from Poland, Austria and other countries are interested in this project as they saw the result from a pilot project in the old part of Hradec Kralove. They are considering implementing a similar project in other European cities” Director Jiří Seidler is surprised by a wave of interest in heat management. He admits that path, that led to this project was extremly tough, and experienced team of experts spent several months preparing initiating procedures. The uniqueness of the project in Hradec Kralove lies in its detail, accuracy, and areas of interest. Just processing the data in order to create heat-maps lasted five months. Outcomes, however, very detailed and highly accurate heat maps, helped to localized heat defects not only in the heat pipe system, but also in individual houses and buildings in the city, that were captured by thermocamera. Hradec Kralove as a model to other countries According to actions of experts from other countries we may expect similar projects in other European cities. Pilot project in Hradec Kralove shows that the thermal-imaging system can be suitably adapted to different local conditions and it is possible to implement it even without big problems elsewhere. "The project thermo-imaging was excellent investment and we are certainly not against cooperation with foreign colleagues. Contrary, I consider it necessary, together we can continue to develop the project of thermo-imaging. We were able to accomplish a project in our city, that experts often do not dare to do elsewhere in Europe."said Jiří Seidler, who welcomes the emerging international cooperation in improving safety and the prevention of power systems.

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Provozovatel: Michal Šviga